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While our services are fully customizable to the needs of each client and project, below is a brief summary of the services we provide.


Maximizing your budget is exactly why you should consider working with Razem. Production budgets vary greatly, therefore we recognize the importance of being adaptable, while balancing costs efficiently.

We guarantee thorough research of each production’s subject in order for us to creatively advise you and ensure that you make the most out of your shoot in Romania. Guiding you along the process, our experienced team can identify the perfect locations, secure site permissions, manage schedules and coordinate cast and crew.



With every country having its own rules and regulations, obtaining a film permit or even finding a location can be a pain. We will work creatively to find the best locations for your needs since we have an intimate knowledge and love of our country.

You can trust us to advise and arrange the best locations for your needs, through a diverse network of contacts across a range of industries and our amazing database of locations in Romania and Moldavia.

We will find solutions to your craziest creative ideas!


We are only as good as the people we work with. We have an extensive network of English-speaking freelance production personnel and technicians, and our aim is to match the right talent to your requirement.


We arrange equipment hire for filming by using our trusted kit suppliers. These strong working relationships allow us to rent premium equipment at discounted prices as part of our film production support packages.

Our logistical assets include the finest and biggest 8 seats make-up truck in Romania, 2 of the newest two way trailers, 3 new single trailers, toilet cabin and a 200kw generator. Click on the buttons below to see a photo gallery of each vehicle.


We will assist and provide you with the best services related to the Romanian cash rebate program. The extensive background in legal and production business affairs of our production partner Claudia Stavrositu, gives her the necessary skills to understand and manage all the issues that a production can pose and solve them with accuracy.


6 Piata Sfantul Stefan, Bucharest, Romania
6 Piata Sfantul Stefan, Bucharest, Romania